Main Features
A real time visualization displays the signal level over the curve.
A Bass Enhancer shaper curve, perfect for processing low-end signals such as 808 kick drums and synth bass lines.
The curve comes with a Threshold parameter, which makes it possible to seamlessly morph between soft and hard clipping.
An additional clipping mode for the second stage: alongside Soft, you can opt for a Hard Clipping stage.
In the expanded view, the pre-shaper EQ curve is displayed alongside input and output spectra, for superior control over the Color parameters.
Shaper Curve
Displays the input signal in relation to the curve. Saturation occurs when the input signal reaches the non-linear sections of the curve.
The Bass Shaper is ideal for processing deep low end sounds such as 808 kick drums and synth basses. Use Threshold to morph between soft and hard clipping.
Only signals above the set threshold will be saturated!
The Soft Clip Output drop-down menu now includes a Hard Clip option, in addition to the standard No Clip and Soft Clip entries.
When the Color Curve display is expanded, the pre-shaper EQ curve is displayed alongside the input and output spectra, making it easy to evaluate adjustments to the Color parameters.
Waveshaper Drive
Determines how much the additional
Waveshaper controls affect the input signal.
At 0.0%, the controls have no influence on the curve. When set to 100%, the controls fully shape the curve.
Adds mainly third-order harmonics to the input signal.?
Superimposes a sine wave onto the Waveshaper curve and sets its amplitude.
The higher the percentage, the more audible the sine wave becomes.
Alters the linear portion of the Waveshaper curve, which is also affected by the Curve and Depth parameters.
Flattens signals near the center of the waveform. Higher values can create a fast noise gating effect.
Determines the number of ripples in the sine wave created by the Depth parameter.
Higher values result in more frequent oscillations, while lower values produce a simpler waveform.
Select a post clipping stage. When Soft or Hard is selected, Saturator’s output will never exceed the level set by the Output control. This is particularly useful for controlling any additional boost created by negative Color values.