Pro Tools

Pro Tools

Pro Tools Course
-New York or Live Online

Our Pro Tools course provides in-depth training for recording and producing music in the engineers choice, and recording & mixing studio standard DAW. It doesn’t matter what genre the music you work with is, if you want to use Pro Tools to create your tracks, this course will cover the music production and engineering skills you need. Even if you are a more experienced Pro Tools user you will benefit from this course, as all of the elements will be covered in detail, peppered with loads of practical real-world tips – giving you the edge over anyone learning any other way. Total class time is 36 hours where you can ask a question and bounce off of your instructor and fellow learners exactly when you’re feeling inspired, or …confused! This is why some say that there is no substitute for music production courses in person. On successful completion of the course, you will receive an industry-recognized certificate.

Many learners these days prefer to use their own laptops on our courses for things like getting help customizing their set-up, and they have their project exactly as they left it in class to work on at home. So we made the course more affordable, but added a $75 supplement for learners who wish to hire an iMac loaded with software. Please ensure you book an iMac when you book your course if you need one. Controller keyboards, and headphones are provided for everyone.

Getting Started

Software installation, toolkits, iLoks & licenses
Avid hardware and other compatible interfaces
Launching Pro Tools & session start up
File format, bit depth & sampling rate tips
Pro Tools file structure and file management
Edit & mix window introductions

Advanced Editing Techniques

Clip based gain and automation
Pencil tool, TCE (Time Compression Expansion Tool)
Strip silence and tab to transient and consolidating clips
Repeating and duplicating clips
MONO, stereo and panning
Overview and automation for plugins and effects


Edit window orientation
Importing audio, creating and track arranging tips
Edit modes – all about Slip, Spot, Shuffle & Grid
Multi-tool (Trimmer, Grabber, Selector)
Transport window – tempo, pre & post roll count off
Grid and nudge values

Recording Techniques and Introduction to Sound Design

Balancing, introduction to the art of mixing. Group tracks and advanced uses of routing
Introduction to sound waves, frequency, and amplitude
The recording patch in detail, introduction to gain structure
EQ and compression for recording
Foldback, headphone mixes, and latency
Digital, analog, sampling rate and bit-rate explained
Microphones overview and stereo miking techniques
Recording specific aspects of Ableton
Compiling audio takes

Samples & Loops

Creating drum loops in Pro Tools
MIDI controllers and editing MIDI
Printing software Instruments
Master Fader, VU and peak meters
Beat Detective – time correct live drums
Exporting audio, bouncing mixes and dithering

The Final Product

Preparing your session for mix-down
Consolidating audio and cleaning up your session
Exporting MP3s and Editing METADATA
Key command shortcuts’ review
0dbfs and digital clipping

For one-to-one lessons, see Pro Tools Private Instruction, connect with a specialist below.


Sharing and learning from a legendary Producer/Engineer is priceless and incredible.

Pablo Toscano

The course is very friendly and engaging. Any and all questions will be asked with no hesitation or frustration, and it helps everyone else in the class that might have the same question in mind.

Ryan Conway

Affordable classes with a lot of knowledgeable teachers that are down to earth and easy going... amazing teachers.

Anthony C

The instructor was great. He was extremely good at explaining things and always gave us enough time to put what we were learning into practice. Most importantly, he is passionate about music and actually enjoys teaching which really makes the whole experience very enjoyable.

Reggie Chelsom

It’s a great school and have great teachers. Some schools care only about fancy gear in the classroom and forget about the essential: the teachers!

João Gama
Pro Tools Course | New York or Live Online

Our Pro Tools course provides in-depth training for recording and producing music in the engineers choice, and recording & mixing studio standard DAW. It doesn’t matter what genre the music you work with is, if you want to use Pro Tools to create your tracks, this course will cover the music production and engineering skills you need. Even if you are a more experienced Pro Tools user you will benefit from this course, as all of the elements will be covered in detail, peppered with loads of practical real-world tips – giving you the edge over anyone learning any other way. Total class time is 36 hours where you can ask a question and bounce off of your instructor and fellow learners exactly when you’re feeling inspired, or …confused! This is why some say that there is no substitute for music production courses in person. On successful completion of the course, you will receive an industry-recognized certificate.

Many learners these days prefer to use their own laptops on our courses for things like getting help customizing their set-up, and they have their project exactly as they left it in class to work on at home. So we made the course more affordable, but added a $75 supplement for learners who wish to hire an iMac loaded with software. Please ensure you book an iMac when you book your course if you need one. Controller keyboards, and headphones are provided for everyone.

Getting Started

• Software installation, toolkits, iLoks & licenses
• Avid hardware and other compatible interfaces
• Launching Pro Tools & session start up
• File format, bit depth & sampling rate tips
• Pro Tools file structure and file management
• Edit & mix window introductions

Advanced Editing Techniques

• Clip based gain and automation
• Pencil tool, TCE (Time Compression Expansion Tool)
• Strip silence and tab to transient and consolidating clips
• Repeating and duplicating clips
• MONO, stereo and panning
• Overview and automation for plugins and effects


• Edit window orientation
• Importing audio, creating and track arranging tips
• Edit modes - all about Slip, Spot, Shuffle & Grid
• Multi-tool (Trimmer, Grabber, Selector)
• Transport window - tempo, pre & post roll count off
• Grid and nudge values

Recording Techniques and Introduction to Sound Design

• Balancing, introduction to the art of mixing. Group tracks and advanced uses of routing
• Introduction to sound waves, frequency, and amplitude
• The recording patch in detail, introduction to gain structure
• EQ and compression for recording
• Foldback, headphone mixes, and latency
• Digital, analog, sampling rate and bit-rate explained
• Microphones overview and stereo miking techniques
• Recording specific aspects of Ableton
• Compiling audio takes

Samples & Loops

• Creating drum loops in Pro Tools
• MIDI controllers and editing MIDI
• Printing software Instruments
• Master Fader, VU and peak meters
• Beat Detective - time correct live drums
• Exporting audio, bouncing mixes and dithering

The Final Product

• Preparing your session for mix-down
• Consolidating audio and cleaning up your session
• Exporting MP3s and Editing METADATA
• Key command shortcuts’ review
• 0dbfs and digital clipping

For one-to-one lessons, see Pro Tools Private Instruction, connect with a specialist below.

Our Testimonials

Sharing and learning from a legendary Producer/Engineer is priceless and incredible.

Pablo Toscano

The course is very friendly and engaging. Any and all questions will be asked with no hesitation or frustration, and it helps everyone else in the class that might have the same question in mind.

Ryan Conway

Affordable classes with a lot of knowledgeable teachers that are down to earth and easy going... amazing teachers.

Anthony C

The instructor was great. He was extremely good at explaining things and always gave us enough time to put what we were learning into practice. Most importantly, he is passionate about music and actually enjoys teaching which really makes the whole experience very enjoyable.

Reggie Chelsom

It’s a great school and have great teachers. Some schools care only about fancy gear in the classroom and forget about the essential: the teachers!

João Gama
From The Blog

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    For one-to-one lessons, see Pro Tools Private Instruction, connect with a specialist below.