What Garnish will do<\/strong><\/p>\nGarnish will designate a qualified teacher to be responsible for coordinating SEND provision (the designated SENCO) who
\nwill have completed the National Award in Special Educational Needs Coordination within three years of taking up the
Garnish will designate a qualified teacher to support the SENCo (the Deputy SENCo) who will have completed the National
\nAward in Special Educational Needs Coordination within three years of taking up the position.<\/p>\n
Garnish will prepare a SEND Information Report in accordance with paragraphs 6.79 onwards of the DfE SEND Code of
\nPractice and publish their Information Reports on their website. This report will set out the details regarding the
\nimplementation of the Garnish SEND and Learning Policy.<\/p>\n
Garnish will ensure that all teachers accept that SEND is their responsibility and in particular that class and subject
\nteachers take full responsibility for the progress of the children and young people with SEND whom they teach.<\/p>\n
Garnish will ensure that the quality of teaching, and learning opportunities for pupils with SEND, and the progress made
\nby those pupils are a core part of performance management arrangements and are held as a high priority within their
Garnish will ensure that pupils with SEND acquire the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.<\/p>\n
Garnish will ensure there is high ambition for pupils with SEND and ensure they are not provided with a reduced
Garnish will ensure that children and young people with SEND engage in all activities alongside those who do not have
\nSEND unless a particular provision or arrangement is agreed with the parents or carers, and the child or young person.<\/p>\n
Class and subject teachers, supported by the SENCO, will make regular assessments of the progress for all pupils and
\nidentify appropriate actions, particularly those making less than expected progress, given their age and prior
Garnish will inform parents and carers when they are making special provision for their child and shall then work in
\npartnership with them to establish support needed and specialist input, to secure best outcomes, taking full account of
\ntheir views and wishes. For all children and young people on \u2018SEND Support\u2019, Garnish will make arrangements for an
\nappropriate member of staff, with input from the SENCO and Deputy SENCO as appropriate, to meet with the parents or
\ncarers at least three times a year to review progress and support.<\/p>\n
Garnish will ensure that a graduated approach using the \u2018Assess, Plan, Do, Review\u2019 cycle (as set out in paragraphs
\n6.44-6.56 of the SEND Code of Practice, see Appendix 1) is in place for all young people on \u2018SEND Support\u2019.<\/p>\n
After consultation with the parent or carer and the child or young person, Garnish will request the local authority to
\nundertake an Education, Health, Care needs assessment for any child or young person for whom we believe this is
Garnish will do everything they can to meet the needs of young people with SEND including delivering the elements of an
\nEHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan).<\/p>\n
Garnish will work with relevant local authorities in a timely manner to undertake annual reviews of EHCPs, so that they
\nare conducted within the statutory timeframes and so that they take into account the views of the child or young person
\nand those of the parent or carer.<\/p>\n
Training<\/strong><\/p>\nGarnish will ensure training is provided to all staff on identifying special educational needs. They will learn about
\nand best practice in supporting pupils with SEND both inside and outside of the classroom. The collaboration within and
\nacross Garnish will support the sharing of best practice for SEND.<\/p>\n
Responsibilities<\/strong><\/p>\nThe following responsibilities apply in relation to this policy:<\/p>\n
Garnish Head of Academic is responsible for ensuring an appropriately qualified member of staff is the<\/p>\n
designated SENCO, and that each SENCO is supported by an appropriately qualified Deputy SENCO. Head of Academic is
\nresponsible for enabling the SENCO to work strategically within their academy to ensure the best possible education for
\nlearners with SEND.<\/p>\n
SENCOs are responsible for ensuring the education within the academy is compliant with the Garnish SEND and Learning
\nPolicy, as well as supporting parents and carers and the pupils in meeting their responsibilities.<\/p>\n
Teachers are responsible for working in line with the DfE Teachers\u2019 Standards5 and providing appropriate education for
\nall the learners within their class(es) as outlined in Section 6 of the SEND Code of Practice 2015.<\/p>\n
Garnish Directors have overall responsibility for the implementation and approval of this policy.<\/p>\n
Monitoring and Compliance<\/strong><\/p>\nGarnish Head of Academic will monitor compliance with this policy and the impact of this policy in supporting SEND
\npupils and in meeting the SEND Code of Practice.<\/p>\n
Garnish Student Complaints Policy<\/h3>\n
1. Introduction<\/strong><\/p>\nGarnish is committed to providing a high-quality learning experience for all students. We recognize that there may be
\noccasions when students feel that the level of service or the standard of teaching has not met their expectations. This
\nStudent Complaints Policy outlines the process for students to raise any concerns they may have and aims to resolve
\ncomplaints in a fair, transparent, and timely manner.<\/p>\n
This policy applies to all students enrolled in Garnish’s online-only courses and programs. The oversight of this policy
\nand complaints process is managed by the Head of Academic, Harry Leckstein.<\/p>\n
2. Scope of the Policy<\/strong><\/p>\nThis policy covers complaints regarding:<\/p>\n
The quality of teaching or tutoring
\nCourse materials or resources
\nAdministrative services, including enrolment, communication, and support
\nAny breaches of Garnish\u2019s Code of Conduct or Equal Opportunities Policy
\nThis policy does not cover:<\/p>\n
Academic appeals against grades or assessments, which are handled separately through the Academic Appeals Policy
\nComplaints against fellow students, which are handled through the Student Code of Conduct<\/p>\n
3. Principles<\/strong><\/p>\nFairness: All complaints will be treated with fairness and impartiality.
\nConfidentiality: Complaints will be handled in a confidential manner, ensuring that personal information is shared only
\nwith those directly involved in the investigation.
\nTimeliness: We aim to resolve all complaints as swiftly as possible, with clear timelines outlined below.
\nSupport: Students making a complaint will have access to appropriate support and guidance throughout the process.<\/p>\n
4. Informal Complaints<\/strong>
\nIn the first instance, we encourage students to raise their concerns informally. Most issues can be resolved quickly by
\ncontacting the relevant tutor or course coordinator.<\/p>\nSteps for Informal Resolution:
\nContact the relevant staff member via email or through the course platform.
\nExplain the nature of the complaint and desired outcome.
\nThe staff member will aim to resolve the complaint within 5 working days.
\nIf the complaint is not resolved through informal channels, students may proceed to the formal complaints process.<\/p>\n
5. Formal Complaints<\/strong><\/p>\nIf the issue remains unresolved after informal discussions, students may submit a formal complaint.<\/p>\n
Procedure for Formal Complaints:<\/p>\n
Submission: Submit the complaint in writing via email to complaints@Garnish.co.uk. The complaint must include:<\/p>\n
Full name and course details
\nA detailed description of the complaint
\nAny evidence supporting the complaint (e.g., emails, screenshots)
\nThe desired resolution
\nAcknowledgement: Garnish will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 3 working days.<\/p>\n
Investigation: The complaint will be investigated by a member of the Garnish management team, under the oversight of
\nHarry Leckstein, Head of Academic. Investigations will involve reviewing the complaint, speaking to relevant parties,
\nand gathering any additional information required.<\/p>\n
Response: A formal response will be provided within 10 working days of the receipt of the complaint. If the
\ninvestigation takes longer than this timeframe, the student will be notified with an updated timeline.<\/p>\n
Outcome: The formal response will outline the findings of the investigation and any proposed actions or resolutions.<\/p>\n
6. Appeals<\/strong><\/p>\nIf the student is dissatisfied with the outcome of the formal complaint process, they may appeal the decision.<\/p>\n
Appeals Process:<\/strong>
\nAppeals must be submitted within 10 working days of receiving the formal response.
\nThe appeal should be sent to appeals@Garnish.co.uk and include:
\nThe grounds for appeal (e.g., procedural errors, new evidence)
\nAny additional supporting information
\nThe appeal will be reviewed by Harry Leckstein, and a final decision will be provided within 15 working days.<\/p>\n7. External Escalation<\/strong><\/p>\nIf the student remains dissatisfied with the outcome of the appeal, they may seek independent advice from external
\nbodies such as the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIA), provided the student has completed
\nall internal processes.<\/p>\n
8. Monitoring and Review<\/strong><\/p>\nGarnish is committed to continuous improvement and will regularly review the outcomes of complaints to identify areas
\nfor improvement. This policy will be reviewed annually by the management team and Harry Leckstein to ensure it remains
\nfit for purpose.<\/p>\n
Contact Details for Complaints:<\/strong><\/p>\nEmail for informal complaints: hl@garnishmusicproduction.com<\/p>\n
Quality Assurance Policy<\/h3>\n
Issue and review<\/strong><\/p>\nThe date of issue of this policy is 01.10.24 This policy will be reviewed annually.<\/p>\n
The Scope of this Policy<\/strong><\/p>\nThe Quality Assurance Policy outlines the practices, resources and sequence of activities relevant to the maintaining quality provision.<\/p>\n
The Quality Assurance Policy provides a commitment to measure the consistent standards of provision and customer satisfaction.<\/p>\n
Objectives<\/strong><\/p>\nThe Quality Assurance Policy sets out to ensure that Garnish:<\/p>\n
\n- Provides consistency on the organisation\u2019s response to customer needs and gives
\ncustomers confidence that quality provision is being delivered;<\/li>\n - Improves communication about setting standards and the practices and methods of
\nachieving the required standard;<\/li>\n - Clarifies tasks so that staff know the level of performance to be
\nattained;<\/li>\n - Sets targets which measure learner satisfaction;<\/li>\n
- Monitors and evaluates results and feedback in order to act to maintain a
\nQuality System of continuous improvement.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\nResponsibilities<\/strong><\/p>\nThe Quality Assurance Policy details a commitment from senior management to establish, document and communicate the drive for continuous improvement for the benefit of all stakeholders.<\/p>\n
Garnish Head of Academic will be directly responsible for ensuring that provision of
\nteaching and assessment meets the needs of learners and awarding organisations and that there is a mechanism for
\nacquiring feedback from all relevant parties.\u00a0 This feedback will be instrumental in measuring stakeholder
Garnish is aware that the service provided is only as professional as the people
\nsupplying the service.\u00a0 \u00a0 The recruitment process includes the requirement for customer care and the standards of
\nservice to be attained.\u00a0 The aforementioned is monitored through the Staff Appraisal System, quality provision and
\ncustomer satisfaction.<\/p>\n
The following mechanisms will be instrumental in measuring internal and external
\nstakeholder (e.g. student, parent, funder, local community etc) satisfaction:<\/p>\n
\n- Assessor\/Monitoring Review Sheets;<\/li>\n
- Internal verification sampling activities;<\/li>\n
- End of Programme Evaluation;<\/li>\n
- Evaluation of service provision by employers (if applicable);<\/li>\n
- External Verification visits and client feedback interviews.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
Improving Provision through Feedback<\/strong><\/p>\nWhere performance does not meet the required standard, discussion regarding improvement
\nand development of provision to meet requirements will be subject to the following procedures:<\/p>\n
\n- All feedback documentation must be examined by Garnish Head of Academic and in
\nthe event of a shortfall occurring it will be the responsibility of Garnish Head of Academic to submit a
\nreport detailing the outcomes of the findings and include recommendations for improvement;<\/li>\n - The report will be submitted to Harry Leckstein, Garnish Head of Academic, who
\nis ultimately responsible for quality provision<\/li>\n - Nominated personnel will be responsible for the development and implementation
\nof the agreed recommendations within a reasonable and achievable timescale.<\/li>\n - The improved level of provision will be monitored and assessed in order to
\nensure improvements meet customer satisfaction.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\nThe Quality Assurance Policy detailed above will provide the foundation upon which Garnish will continue to operate a continuous improvement programme, on behalf of all its stakeholders.<\/p>\n
Internal Verification Policy<\/strong><\/p>\nThis is designed to be used in conjunction with Awarding Organisation guidance which the centre makes available guidance for students and staff on the Garnish VLE support pages.<\/p>\n
Internal Verification has two parts within a centre:<\/strong><\/p>\n1) Internal verification of Assignment
2) Internal verification of Assessment
3) Internal Verification of Assignment
All learners will undertake a series of assignments which will be marked by their
\nassessor\/tutor.\u00a0 All assignments will be submitted on or before the given deadline by Garnish VLE upload.<\/p>\n
100% of assignment briefs must be internally verified within the centre before being
\nhanded out to learners.\u00a0 Any actions must be amended and signed off prior to the brief being handed out to
Internal verification decisions must be recorded on appropriate internal verification
\npaperwork and signed by both the assessor and the internal verifier.<\/p>\n
Assignments briefs must be reviewed by the assessor and internally verified annually.<\/p>\n
Internal Verification of Assessment Decisions<\/strong><\/p>\nThe internal verification of assessment decisions should consist of two parts:<\/p>\n
\n- Standardisation<\/li>\n
- Internal verification of assessment decisions.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
Standardisation:<\/strong><\/p>\nStandardisation is a way to ensure consistent assessment decisions are made by assessors
\nat all levels for learners and are consistent across the organisation.\u00a0 It is also a way to support the development
\nof assessors and teaching staff in the quality of delivery of qualifications.<\/p>\n
Standardisation will take place annually.\u00a0 This will be in the form of a standardisation
\nmeeting where good practice is discussed, marking work outside a meeting and discussing feedback, delivery of
\ninformation on best practice, observation of assessment activities and feedback.<\/p>\n
Standardisation can also take place to discuss the qualification requirements, create
\nteaching and planning materials, design assessment etc.<\/p>\n
Standardisation will also take into consideration internal verification of assessment
\ndecisions and External Quality Assurance of assignment briefs<\/p>\n
Internal verification of assessment decisions<\/strong><\/p>\nInternal verification will take place for all units assessed.\u00a0 All internal verification
\nstaff will sample assessment practice at regular intervals to highlight at risk learners or issues with assessment
\npractice.\u00a0 The internal verification sampling strategy includes:<\/p>\n
\n- Where there are 20 learners or fewer, a minimum of four learners across a range
\nof grade boundaries (i.e. one pass, one merit, one distinction and one other.)\u00a0 Larger cohorts will have an
\nincreased sample size.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\nInternal verification staff will sample all assessors, grades and units across each
Internal verification of assessment decisions will be recorded on appropriate internal
\nverification paperwork and signed by both the assessor and the internal verifier.<\/p>\n
Internal verification must take place prior to learners receiving their grades and any
\nactions must be amended and signed off prior to the work being handed back to learners.<\/p>\n
Internal verification of assessment decisions should also include the internal
\nverification of resubmissions.<\/p>\n
Further verification activities such as observation of teaching and support and
\ndevelopment of assessor\/tutors will be done in line with Internal Verification Handbook.<\/p>\n
This policy will be reviewed annually.<\/p>\n
Centre Conflict of Interest Policy<\/h3>\n
1. Issue and review<\/strong>
\nThe date of issue of this policy is 01.10.24 This policy will be reviewed annually.
\n2. The Scope of this Policy<\/strong>
\nThe Quality Assurance Policy outlines the practices, resources and sequence of activities relevant to the maintaining
\nquality provision.
\nThe Quality Assurance Policy provides a commitment to measure the consistent standards of provision and customer
\nThe Quality Assurance Policy sets out to ensure that Garnish:
\n\u2022 Provides consistency on the organisation\u2019s response to customer needs and gives customers confidence that quality
\nprovision is being delivered;
\n\u2022 Improves communication about setting standards and the practices and methods of achieving the required standard;
\n\u2022 Clarifies tasks so that staff know the level of performance to be attained;
\n\u2022 Sets targets which measure learner satisfaction;
\n\u2022 Monitors and evaluates results and feedback in order to act to maintain a Quality System of continuous improvement.
\nThe Quality Assurance Policy details a commitment from senior management to establish, document and communicate the
\ndrive for continuous improvement for the benefit of all stakeholders.
\nGarnish Head of Academic will be directly responsible for ensuring that provision of teaching and assessment meets the
\nneeds of learners and awarding organisations and that there is a mechanism for acquiring feedback from all relevant
\nparties. This feedback will be instrumental in measuring stakeholder satisfaction.
\nGarnish is aware that the service provided is only as professional as the people supplying the service. The recruitment
\nprocess includes the requirement for customer care and the standards of service to be attained. The aforementioned is
\nmonitored through the Staff Appraisal System, quality provision and customer satisfaction.
\nThe following mechanisms will be instrumental in measuring internal and external stakeholder (e.g. student, parent,
\nfunder, local community etc) satisfaction:
\n\u2022 Assessor\/Monitoring Review Sheets;
\n\u2022 Internal verification sampling activities;
\n\u2022 End of Programme Evaluation;
\n\u2022 Evaluation of service provision by employers (if applicable);
\n\u2022 External Verification visits and client feedback interviews.
\nImproving Provision through Feedback
\nWhere performance does not meet the required standard, discussion regarding improvement and development of provision to
\nmeet requirements will be subject to the following procedures:
\n\u2022 All feedback documentation must be examined by Garnish Head of Academic and in the event of a shortfall occurring it
\nwill be the responsibility of Garnish Head of Academic to submit a report detailing the outcomes of the findings and
\ninclude recommendations for improvement;
\n\u2022 The report will be submitted to Harry Leckstein, Garnish Head of Academic, who is ultimately responsible for quality
\n\u2022 Nominated personnel will be responsible for the development and implementation of the agreed recommendations within a
\nreasonable and achievable timescale.
\n\u2022 The improved level of provision will be monitored and assessed in order to ensure improvements meet customer
\nThe Quality Assurance Policy detailed above will provide the foundation upon which Garnish will continue to operate a
\ncontinuous improvement programme, on behalf of all its stakeholders.
\nInternal Verification Policy<\/strong>
\nThis is designed to be used in conjunction with Awarding Organisation guidance which the centre makes available guidance
\nfor students and staff on the Garnish VLE support pages.
\nInternal Verification has two parts within a centre:
\n1) Internal verification of Assignment Briefs
\n2) Internal verification of Assessment Decisions.
\n3) Internal Verification of Assignment Briefs
\nAll learners will undertake a series of assignments which will be marked by their assessor\/tutor. All assignments will
\nbe submitted on or before the given deadline by Garnish VLE upload.
\n100% of assignment briefs must be internally verified within the centre before being handed out to learners. Any actions
\nmust be amended and signed off prior to the brief being handed out to learners.
\nInternal verification decisions must be recorded on appropriate internal verification paperwork and signed by both the
\nassessor and the internal verifier.
\nAssignments briefs must be reviewed by the assessor and internally verified annually.
\n2. Internal Verification of Assessment Decisions<\/strong>
\nThe internal verification of assessment decisions should consist of two parts:
\n\u2022 Standardisation
\n\u2022 Internal verification of assessment decisions.<\/p>\nStandardisation:<\/strong>
\nStandardisation is a way to ensure consistent assessment decisions are made by assessors at all levels for learners and
\nare consistent across the organisation. It is also a way to support the development of assessors and teaching staff in
\nthe quality of delivery of qualifications.
\nStandardisation will take place annually. This will be in the form of a standardisation meeting where good practice is
\ndiscussed, marking work outside a meeting and discussing feedback, delivery of information on best practice, observation
\nof assessment activities and feedback.
\nStandardisation can also take place to discuss the qualification requirements, create teaching and planning materials,
\ndesign assessment etc.
\nStandardisation will also take into consideration internal verification of assessment decisions and External Quality
\nAssurance of assignment briefs
\nInternal verification of assessment decisions
\nInternal verification will take place for all units assessed. All internal verification staff will sample assessment
\npractice at regular intervals to highlight at risk learners or issues with assessment practice. The internal
\nverification sampling strategy includes:
\n\u2022 Where there are 20 learners or fewer, a minimum of four learners across a range of grade boundaries (i.e. one pass,
\none merit, one distinction and one other.) Larger cohorts will have an increased sample size.
\nInternal verification staff will sample all assessors, grades and units across each qualification.
\nInternal verification of assessment decisions will be recorded on appropriate internal verification paperwork and signed
\nby both the assessor and the internal verifier.
\nInternal verification must take place prior to learners receiving their grades and any actions must be amended and
\nsigned off prior to the work being handed back to learners.
\nInternal verification of assessment decisions should also include the internal verification of resubmissions.
\nFurther verification activities such as observation of teaching and support and development of assessor\/tutors will be
\ndone in line with Internal Verification Handbook.
\nThis policy will be reviewed annually.<\/p>\nGarnish Assessment Policy<\/h3>\n
1. Issue and review<\/strong>
\nThe date of issue of this policy is 01.10.24. This policy will be reviewed annually.
\n2. The Scope of this Policy<\/strong>
\nThis document lays out the assessment policy of Garnish for all RSL Vocational Qualifications. This document is designed
\nto be used in conjunction with RSL guidance (specifications, syllabus documents, RSL How to Guides and Centre Handbook)
\nwhich is available to all assessors on the Garnish VLE.
\n3. Assessment Policy<\/strong>
\nInternal Assessment
\nAssignment Briefs
\nAll learners will work on assignment briefs for internally assessed units and present their evidence using the Garnish
\nVLE or via submission via email to Garnish Head of Academic Harry Leckstein on hl@garnishmusicproduction.com. All
\nassignment briefs will be created by the assessor delivering the programme. 100% of these will be internally verified
\nprior to issue. All assessors will submit assignment briefs via the Garnish VLE and will be marked and moderated by
\nGarnish staff and Garnish Head of Academic respectively. Assignment briefs will include:
\nQualification title, unit number and name
\nThe name of the centre and the tutor
\nThe date set and the deadline for submission
\nThe tasks \u2013 laid out in accessible way for learners
\nThe assessment criteria alongside each task
\nLinks to related resources (if appropriate)
\nGrading criteria
\nSubmission checklist
\nHow work is to be submitted
\nInternal Assessment Practice
\nAll internal assessment will be conducted as assessment not as part of teaching and learning:
\nLearners complete their work within direct sight of the tutor(s) throughout the assessment.
\nLearners may complete their work collaboratively but they have to indicate their own contribution and that contribution
\nMUST meet ALL assessment criteria in the specification.<\/p>\nAll work submitted must be attributable to the learner.
\nThe centre must ensure that learners have access to materials and resources as required.
\nFeedback can be provided to the learner during completion of internal assignments but must not constitute coaching or
\nteaching in order to ensure that the work can be authenticated.
\nThe assessment must be undertaken in the allocated time on the assignment brief.
\nGarnish has the following policy on resubmissions:
\nLearners will be allowed one re-sit for internal assessments only.
\nLearners can apply for special considerations should there be sufficient reason. In this instance the Garnish Special
\nConsideration Policy will apply.
\nResubmissions are uncapped if submitted by the required deadline.
\nLate resubmission is capped at a Pass.
\nAssessment of Learner Work
\nAll learner work will be assessed for:
\nLearners will:
\nIntroduce themselves on video evidence presented.
\nEvery learner will be clearly seen and heard on all video evidence.
\nAll written work will be labelled with learner name, centre name, date of submission, and unit title on EVERY page.
\nGarnish will investigate all cases of plagiarism identified through assessment. Assessors are required to ensure that
\nall learner work is authentic and they must reference any research that they have undertaken in their final submission
\nusing an acceptable referencing system (e.g. Harvard). When working in collaboration, all work must be directly
\nattributable to the individual learner. Please see Garnish Plagiarism Policy for more details.
\nAssessment Criteria
\nAll learner work will be assessed initially against the assessment criteria. If the learner has met all of the
\nassessment criteria, work will then be graded accordingly using the grading criteria. If they have not met the
\nassessment criteria, a grade of unclassified will be given.<\/p>\n
Grading Criteria
\nAll learner work meeting all of the assessment criteria will be graded as Pass or above. All grading decisions will be
\nclearly auditable and will justify the grading decision made.
\nThe Audit Trail
\nAll assessment, both formative and summative, as well as grading decisions of Unclassified\/Pass\/Merit\/Distinction will
\nhave a sufficient audit trail which will include:
\nLearner name and details set out in the relevant assignment brief
\nDate of assessment
\nType of assessment (formative or summative)
\nWritten feedback on the evidence seen:
\nagainst the assessment criteria
\nusing the grading descriptors
\nmotivational and developmental
\nprecise and easy to follow
\nGrade given for the work
\nDetails of any resubmission required and the relevant deadline
\nEvidence of internal verification and ‘sign off’
\nAll assessors will use Garnish approved marking rubric criteria for their feedback and assessment decisions.
\nTiming of Assessment
\nAll evidence will be assessed within 3 weeks of receipt and feedback will be provided to the learners.
\nIt is the supervisor\u2019s responsibility to ensure that all learner work is graded appropriately and that the audit trail
\nis available upon request to:
\nQuality assurance staff
\nInternal verifiers
\nThe Awarding Organisation
\nExternal Assessment
\nFor the purpose of running external assessment, a responsible, named member of staff Garnish Head of Academic will
\nsupervise the controlled period of assessment and validate all the evidence submitted to RSL via rslawards.com.
\nLevels of Control for RSL External Assessment
\nDuring the preparation time: This will be conducted under non-supervised conditions:
\nThere will be sufficient evidence to ensure that the work can ultimately be authenticated as the learner\u2019s own.
\nUse of resources including the internet is permitted and should be referenced.
\nInteraction with other learners is permitted but the work must be authenticated as the learner\u2019s own.
\nTime is restricted to the allocated period stated in the Controlled Assignment.
\nTeaching staff may provide direction and general advice as required.
\nDuring the controlled assessment: This will be conducted under supervised conditions.
\nLearners complete their work within direct sight of the supervisor(s) throughout the assessment.
\nLearners have a limited amount of time as specified in the Controlled Assignment Brief.
\nLearners complete their work independently. There is interaction with other learners only for the purposes indicated in
\nthe assignment. All work submitted must be attributable to the individual learner.
\nNo access to email, the internet or mobile phones unless expressly stated by the Controlled Assignment Brief.
\nLearners will have access to materials and resources as defined in the Controlled Assignment Brief. Any other materials
\nwhich may provide assistance are removed or covered.
\nNo feedback can be provided to the learner throughout the controlled assessment period.
\nAll learner work will be uploaded by the deadline given by RSL by Garnish Head of Academic.<\/p>\n
Student Appeals Policy<\/h3>\n
Head of Academic, Garnish, Harry Leckstein<\/p>\n
Purpose of Policy<\/strong>
\nThe purpose of this policy is to ensure that students have the right to make an appeal, within the bounds of this
\npolicy, following an outcome of one of the below procedures.<\/p>\nThe appeals process should:<\/strong>
\nBe easy to navigate for students
\nBe timely (appeals should normally conclude within 30 calendar days of the appeal being lodged)
\nEnsure that clear reasons are given for decisions reached
\nEnsure that there is clear and timely communication with the student throughout the process
\nEnsure an appropriate level of confidentiality
\nThis appeals policy applies to:
\nThe Health Wellbeing and Support for Study Policy
\nThe Student Complaints Policy
\nAny student who has been:
\nThe subject of a Health Wellbeing and Support for
\nThe subject of a Fitness to Practise process
\nThe responding party in the Student Discipline process
\nThe reporting party in the Student Discipline process
\nSuspended from study as a Precautionary Measure
\nor has completed Stage 2 of the Student Complaints procedure may submit an appeal using the process below.
\nIn addition, any student who has been party to any of the above procedures can raise a concern about the service they
\nreceived during this process using the Student Complaints policy.<\/p>\nRoles and responsibilities<\/strong>
\nResponsibilities of the Head of Academic may be completed by themselves or delegated to a nominee.
\nThe term \u2018Case Manager\u2019 refers to a member of the Garnish Governance team. Their role is to oversee the flow of business
\nthrough the appeals process. This person does not make any decisions regarding the progression or outcome of an appeal.
\nThe term \u2018student\u2019 applies to any registered student at Garnish, as well as students who have graduated during their
\ninitial case, or in the period between their initial case and the appeal being heard.
\nThe Appeals Panel:
\nThe Appeals Panel will normally comprise three members from the Appeals Panel Pool, at least one of whom is a Garnish
\nstaff member and at least one of whom is an external member. The members of the Appeals Panel will not have been
\ninvolved with the earlier stages of a student\u2019s case and will have no reasonable perception of bias. All members of the
\nAppeals Panel Pool will have undertaken the training required to fulfil this role. In the case of a Fitness to Practise
\nappeal, a Practitioner from the relevant discipline will act as an advisor to the panel.
\nPolicy review
\nIf you have any feedback on this policy, or on your experience of this policy or process, please email
\nRelated Policies and Procedures
\nThe Health Wellbeing and Support for Study Policy
\nThe Student Precautionary Measures Policy
\nThe Student Complaints Policy and Procedure
\nDocument Control Information
\nHead of Academic Harry Leckstein
\nVersion number
\nApproval Date
\nOctober 2024
\nApproved By
\nGarnish Board
\nDate of last review
\nMay 2024
\nDate of next review
\nSeptember 2025<\/p>\nSTUDENT APPEALS PROCEDURE<\/strong><\/p>\nConclusion of the original case:<\/strong><\/p>\nFollowing the conclusion of a case, the Student Policy and Safeguarding team will notify the Governance Team of the name
\nof the student subject to the process, and the date by which they would need to submit an appeal. Following the
\nsubmission of an appeal, further information about the case will be shared with the Governance team.<\/p>\n
Submitting an appeal:<\/strong><\/p>\nA student can submit an appeal within 10 working days of the outcome of their case. They can do this by emailing
\nhl@garnishmusicproduction.com. If there are exceptional circumstances which prevent a student from submitting an appeal
\nwithin the 10-day timeframe, the student should email hl@garnishmusicproduction.com explaining these circumstances. The
\nHead of Governance and a member of the appeals pool will decide if consideration of the appeal will go ahead. If a
\nstudent does not submit an appeal in this timeframe, they may email hl@garnishmusicproduction.com to request a
\nCompletion of Procedures letter. The Case Manager will ask the Student Policy and Safeguarding team to provide this
\nletter outlining that the student has not completed the University\u2019s internal processes.
\nA student may make an Appeal Case on one or more of the following grounds:
\nThat there was procedural error in the conduct of the relevant process which may cause doubt as to the determination
\nThat new evidence has been made available which the student could not reasonably have provided during the relevant
\nThat there was bias during the relevant process which may cause doubt as to the determination reached;
\nThat the sanction or outcome imposed was disproportionate.*
\n* A reporting party in a Student Discipline process may not make an appeal on the grounds that a sanction imposed on
\nanother student was disproportionate.
\nThe student should include a completed Appeals form, including:
\nThe outcome(s) the student is appealing against
\nThe ground(s) the appeal is based on
\nThe student\u2019s desired action following consideration of the appeal
\nAll evidence available to the student in support of the Appeal.
\nThe grounds for appeal will be considered by the Head of Governance and a member of the appeals pool who will decide:
\nThere are no grounds for appeal. The Case Manager will write to the student informing them that the appeal will not
\nproceed and the reason for this. They will include a Completion of Procedures letter.<\/p>\n
There are grounds for appeal. The Case Manager will convene an Appeals Panel.
\nIn Student Discipline cases where there are multiple parties, all submitted appeals will be considered together by the
\nHead of Governance and the same member of the appeals pool for consistency.
\nThe Appeals Panel<\/p>\n
The Appeals Panel will be made up of three members of the Appeals Panel Pool, at least one of whom is a member of
\nGarnish and at least one of whom is an external colleague. The Panel retains the right to co-opt expertise to advise on
\nindividual cases. In the case of a Fitness to Practise appeal, a Practitioner from the relevant discipline will become
\nan advisor to the panel.
\nThe Appeals Panel will be convened by The Case Manager who will write to the student giving at least 5 working days\u2019
\nnotice of the panel meeting. Students are entitled to be accompanied by an adviser, family member or friend.
\nAccompanying individuals may be allowed to speak at the hearing at the discretion of the Chair but will not normally be
\nallowed to cross examine witnesses. In addition, disabled students may also be accompanied by a support worker or
\nadvisor if required. The student is required to notify the Case Manager of the name of anyone accompanying them to the
\nappeal, with at least 3 working days\u2019 notice, by emailing hl@garnishmusicproduction.com.
\nThe Appeals Panel may invite the student to provide a verbal or written statement and answer questions from the panel
\nmembers. The Appeals Panel may invite the Chair of previous stages of the processes to explain earlier decisions and
\noutcomes\/sanctions. The Appeals Panel may need to consider any new evidence. New evidence will be thoroughly tested, and
\nthis may include speaking to other parties to the case such as the reporting party, the respondent, or other witnesses
\n(where relevant).
\nIn Student Discipline cases where there are multiple parties, all accepted Appeal Cases will be considered by one
\nAppeals Panel for consistency.
\nThe Appeals Panel will decide for each individual:
\nTo reject the appeal case, confirming the original outcome (and sanctions in Student Disciplinary cases);
\nTo uphold the appeal case, and amend the outcome (and\/or sanctions in Student Disciplinary cases);
\nOngoing actions:<\/p>\n
If a student is appealing against outcomes or sanctions of the processes listed above, those sanctions or outcomes will
\nnormally still be applied whilst the appeal is ongoing. Any precautionary measures will still apply during the appeals
\nThe outcome of the appeal process will normally be communicated in writing to the student (and all those directly
\ninvolved) within 30 calendar days of the appeal form being submitted. This will include an explanation of the outcome
\ndecision and a Completion of Procedures letter.<\/p>\n
Centre Recognition of Prior Learning Policy<\/h3>\n
1. Issue and review<\/strong>
\nThe date of issue of this policy is 01.10.24.This policy will be reviewed annually.
\n2. The Scope of this Policy<\/strong>
\nRecognition of Prior Learning is defined as an opportunity for learners to present performance or accredited knowledge
\nevidence which comes from a period prior to their registration. This is evidence of earlier learning and achievement
\ntowards part of a qualification. For example, if a learner has started a vocational qualification elsewhere (i.e. an
\nequivalent level qualification (i.e. BTEC) or the first year of RSL qualifications) and wishes to transfer the previous
\nRecognition of Prior Learning can be applied to internally assessed parts of vocational qualifications. It cannot be
\napplied to:<\/p>\n\n- Graded Music examinations.<\/li>\n
- GCSE examinations<\/li>\n
- GCSE examinations<\/li>\n
- A Level Examinations<\/li>\n
- Performing Arts Awards examinations.<\/li>\n
- Parts of externally assessed units in vocational qualifications.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
It can be applied to:
\nFull units in vocational qualifications (including those externally assessed)
\nPart of internally assessed elements of vocational qualifications
\nRPL does not apply to qualifications which identify the achievement of specific qualifications as a minimum entry
\n3. The RPL Process<\/strong>
\nPrior to Registration
\nAll prospective learners will have access to information on how to apply for and claim RPL.
\nAt interview\/enrolment, any prior learning will be discussed with the learner and documented within the
\ninterview\/enrolment paperwork.
\nA handout which can be provided as part of the interview process will outline RPL for learners this applies to.
\nAt enrolment, certificates which can be used as evidence of RPL will be collected and photocopies made, to be kept on
\nfile as part of the mapping process.
\nProcess for the Assessment of RPL
\nThe centre Garnish accepts the following evidence for RPL:<\/p>\n\n- Unit certificates<\/li>\n
- Certificates for full qualifications<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
When presenting a certificate for RPL, the learner will need to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and understanding to
\nprevent the need to repeat the assessment or course.
\nLearners\u2019 prior certificated learning can be used as evidence for assessment criteria. Copies are only acceptable as
\nevidence where the original certificates have been seen and countersigned.
\nWhen using certificates for RPL, Garnish will cross reference the work between the two standards, (the
\nqualification\/unit certificated and the qualification registered on).
\nEvidence of previous learning or achievement, like other evidence, will be rigorously subjected to the assessment of